10th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society June 28 - July 2, 2003, Hilton Montreal Bonaventure, Montreal, Canada |
General Information
The conference is organized by the Ned Goodman Chair of Investment Finance, Concordia University, Canada, the Institut de finance mathématique de Montréal (IFM2), Canada, and the School of Business-Camden, Rutgers University. The objective of the conference is to bring together academics and practitioners from all over the world to focus on timely financial issues. Papers in all areas of finance dealing with developed as well as developing countries are welcome. An effort will be made to provide a balanced coverage of all countries. Specific topics include but are not limited to:
International Asset Market Structures, Regulation and Liberalization; Microstructure of Developed and Emerging Markets for all Asset Classes; Linkages Between Stock and Foreign Exchange Markets; Foreign Exchange Market Arbitrage, Hedging, and Pricing; Volatility and Correlation in Financial Markets; Financial Engineering; Risk Management; Extremes and Value at Risk; International Portfolio Management and Pricing Models; International Regulation and Performance of Financial Institutions and Money Managers; The Role of Information in Financial Decisions; International Capital Structure Issues for Firms; Initial and Seasoned Public Offerings and Equity Restructuring; Investment Banking and Issuing of Corporate Securities; Mergers, Acquisitions, Corporate Restructuring and Takeover Defenses; Corporate Ownership, Control, Governance and Compensation and Firm Performance; Cost of Bankruptcy and Financial Distress; Macro Finance, including Inflation and Monetary Policy; The Term Structure of Interest Rates.
Please submit by January 20, 2003, three copies of a completed or nearly completed paper to Multinational Finance Society, School of Business-Camden, Rutgers University, 227 Penn Street, Camden, NJ 08102-1656, U.S.A. (856) 225-6594 (Office), 225-6632 (Fax), or e-mail an Adobe® Acrobat® PDF file to . The title page should include the affiliation, address, phone, and e-mail of each author. All participants agree to serve as a discussant of a paper of his/her own area of interest, if needed.
Multinational Finance Society
The purpose of the Multinational Finance Society is to disseminate and promote financial knowledge, philosophies, techniques, and research findings pertaining to industrialized and developing countries among members of the international academic and business communities.
Program Chair
Lawrence Kryzanowski - Concordia University, Canada
Program Committee
George Athanassakos - WLU, Canada
Turan Bali - Baruch College, CUNY
Geoffrey Booth - Michigan State University
Laurence Booth - University of Toronto, Canada
Tom Chiang - Drexel University
Ephraim Clark - Middlesex Univ Bus Sch, UK
George Constantinides - University of Chicago
Charles Corrado - U of Auckland, New Zealand
André Dorsman - Nyenrode U, The Netherlands
Robert Faff - RMIT University, Australia
Steve Foerster - U of Western Ontario, Canada
Mike Gombola - Drexel University
Paul Halpern - University of Toronto, Canada
Gikas Hardouvelis - The Prime Minister's Office, Greece
Shmuel Hauser - Israel Securities Auth, Israel
Mehmet Karan - Hacettepe University, Turkey
Harry Kat - University of Reading, UK
Johan Knif - Swed Sch of Econ & BA, Finland
Bing Liang - Case Western Reserve University
Usha Mittoo - University of Manitoba, Canada
Gulnur Muradoglu - City Univ Business Sch, UK
Christos Negakis - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ed Nelling - Drexel University
Edgar Ortiz - UNAM, Mexico
George Papaioannou - Hofstra University
Francesco Paris - University of Brescia, Italy
Kate Phylaktis - City University Bus Sch, UK
Gordon Roberts - York University, Canada
Anthony Saunders - New York University
Sam Szewczyk - Drexel University
Nick Travlos - ALBA, GR, & Cardiff BS, UK
Lenos Trigeorgis - University of Cyprus, Cyprus
George Tsetsekos - Drexel University
Wim Westerman - University of Groningen, NL
Alan White - University of Toronto, Canada
Uzi Yaari - Rutgers University