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Ninth Annual Conference
9th Annual Conference of the
Multinational Finance Society
June 30 - July 3, 2002, Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Paphos, Cyprus 

Sponsored by

Hermes Center on Computational Finance and Economics, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

The Cyprus International Institute of Management, Cyprus
School of Business at Camden, Rutgers Universtiy, U.S.A

Keynote Speakers

George Constantinides - University of Chicago
Freddy Delbaen - ETH. Zurich, Switzerland
Anthony Saunders - New York University

General Information

The conference is organized by the Hermes Center on Computational Finance and Economics, University of Cyprus, the Cyprus International Institute of Management, and the School of Business-Camden, Rutgers University. The objective of the conference is to bring together academics and practitioners from all over the world to focus on timely financial issues. Papers in all areas of finance dealing with developed as well as developing countries are welcome. An effort will be made to provide a balanced coverage of all countries. Specific topics include but are not limited to:

Financial Engineering
International Financial Markets
Risk Management in Multinational Corporations
International Portfolio Management and Pricing Models
International Capital Structure Issues for Firms
Microstructure of European and Emerging Markets
Role of Accounting Information in Financial Decisions
Liberalization of Financial Markets
Cost of Bankruptcy and Financial Distress
International Real Estate Markets and Finance
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructuring
Linkages Between Stock and Foreign Exchange Markets
Initial Public Offerings and Equity Restructuring
Foreign Exchange Markets Arbitrage, Hedging, and Pricing
Ownership Structure and the Performance of the Firm
International Banking Regulation and Financial Performance
Corporate Control, Agency Cost, and Takeover Resistance
Discount Rate, Inflation, Interest Rates, and Monetary Policy
Investment Banking and Issuing of Corporate Securities

Please submit by January 11, 2002, three copies of a completed or nearly completed paper to Multinational Finance Society, School of Business-Camden, Rutgers University, 227 Penn Street, Camden, NJ 08102-1656, U.S.A. (856) 225-6594 (Office), 225-6632 (Fax), or e-mail an Adobe® Acrobat® PDF file to . The title page should include the affiliation, address, phone, and e-mail of each author. All participants agree to serve as a discussant of a paper of his/her own area of interest, if needed.

Program Chairs

G. Geoffrey Booth - Michigan State University
Stavros Zenios - University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Program Committee

Franklin Allen - University of Pennsylvania
George Athanassakos - Wilfrid Laurier Univ, Canada
Richard Baillie - Michigan State University
Dimitri Bertsimas - MIT
Marida Bertocchi - University of Bergamo, Italy
Laurence Booth - University of Toronto, Canada
Ephraim Clark - Middlesex University Bus Sch, UK
Andrea Consiglio - University of Palermo, Italy
Charles Corrado - Univ of Auckland, New Zealand
Jean Dermine - INSEAD, France
Robert Faff - RMIT University, Australia
Paul Halpern - University of Toronto, Canada
Gikas Hardouvelis - The Prime Minister's Off, Greece
Shmuel Hauser - Israel Securities Authority, Israel
Harry Kat - University of Reading, UK
Yong H. Kim - University of Cincinnati
Johan Knif - Swedish Sch of Econ & Bus Adm, Finland
Lawrence Kryzanowski - Concordia University, Canada
Otto Loistl - Vienna University of Econ & Bus, Austria
Shlomo Maital - The Technion, Israel
Gulnur Muradoglu - City University Business Sch, UK
Yair Orgler - Tel Aviv University and TASE, Israel
Edgar Ortiz - UNAM, Mexico
George Papaioannou - Hofstra University
Francesco Paris - University of Brescia, Italy
Georg Pflug - University of Vienna, Austria
Kate Phylaktis - City University Business School, UK
Hartmut Schmidt - University of Hamburg, Germany
Jaap Spronk - Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Giorgio Szego - University of Rome, Italy
Nick Travlos - ALBA, Greece, & Cardiff Bus Sch, UK
Lenos Trigeorgis - University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Angelos Tsaklanganos - Univ of Thessaloniki, Greece
George Tsetsekos - Drexel University
Wim Westerman - Univ of Groningen, The Netherlands
Uzi Yaari - Rutgers University

Organizing Committee

Theodore Panayiotou, Chair - Harvard University and CIIM, Cyprus
Moez Hababou - CIIM, Cyprus
Christis Hassapis - University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Spyros Martzoukos - University of Cyprus, Cyprus
David Saunders - CIIM, Cyprus
Takis Stylianides - CIIM, Cyprus
Hercules Vladimirou - University of Cyprus, Cyprus


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