Best Paper Awards were Chosen! Congratulations to Authors!
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29th Annual MFS Conference - A preliminary version of the conference program is now available online
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29th Annual MFS Conference - A preliminary version of the conference program is now available online
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Impact Factor for MFJ increases to 0.71

Impact Factor for MFJ increases to 0.71

We are pleased to announce that the 2014 Impact Factor of the Multinational Finance Journal has increased to 0.71 from 0.63 in 2013.

Our 2014 Impact Factor is a significant achievement for the journal, and demonstrates the increased recognition of Multinational Finance Journal in the field, and the improved relevance and quality of its articles.

Our earnest thanks go to the Managing Editors, Editors, Associate Editors and reviewers for their invaluable academic input that has been crucial to the success of the Multinational Finance Journal. As the journal continues to strengthen and grow, our objective is to work even harder and with greater enthusiasm so the journal gains more visibility and larger impact to the field.

The journal is committed to publishing original, high-quality theoretical and empirical articles across all the major fields of finance and economics, placing emphasis on the internationality of the research. We hope you will consider the Multinational Finance Journal when submitting your manuscripts for publication.

To submit a paper, please follow this link:
The journal’s article archive can be found here:

Yours truly,

Panayiotis C. Andreou, PhD
Editor-in-Chief (Pro-Tem)


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