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29th Annual MFS Conference - A preliminary version of the conference program is now available online
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29th Annual MFS Conference - A preliminary version of the conference program is now available online
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22nd Annual MFS Conference - Tour and Transportation

Complimentary Bus Transportation and Tour 

Further Information: 

The travel agency "FILOS Travel" will arrange for all the transports to and from the hotel depending on the arrivals and departures of each conference participant. For each participant we will have a transportation based on the data they have sent us in the registration form.

At the airport there will be staff - driver with MFS tag which will lead the people on the buses which also will have the MFS logo. Also if there is not a driver with a tag, there will be a stand of the agency "FILOS Travel" just outside the arrivals at the right (in the airport) and outside the airport at the right hand side. Conference participants can also ask for information there.

Please note that only registered participants are guaranteed complimentary transportation.

For the excursion on June 28, buses will start from 9.30 a.m. from Porto Carras Hotel.

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