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Announcement of a special section in ‘Shipping Finance’


MFJ "Shipping Finance" (pdf)

The Multinational Finance Journal (MFJ) publishes high-quality refereed articles on capital markets, financial institutions, management of investments, and corporate finance, dealing with issues that are relevant to the study and practice of finance in a global context.

The MFJ editorial board has decided to widen the journal’s scope by focusing in particular on finance aspects relevant to ocean shipping and transportation related areas. For this reason the Journal has appointed a new Editor, Dr. Photis M. Panayides to provide leadership to this new venture for the Journal. Articles of the special section on ‘Shipping Finance’ will be published regularly with each publication volume of the Journal.

The editorial policy remains to accept for publication original research articles that conform to the generally accepted standards of scientific inquiry and provide pragmatic interpretations of findings. Recognizing the multinational origins of the submitted articles, the MFJ is open to research that reflects diversity in its methodological and theoretical underpinnings.

The MFJ invites submissions of original research papers for the Special Section on ‘Shipping Finance’.

The Special section will host papers in the following topics for the shipping, logistics and transportation sectors:

• Maritime and transport infrastructure investment and financing
• Capital structure of shipping and transport companies
• Managing firm value in maritime transport
• Initial public offerings
• Corporate governance and ownership structure in shipping and transport
• Maritime and transport mergers and acquisitions
• Financing, investment and privatization of transport related infrastructure
• Behavioral finance in relation to ship financing and management
• Financial performance and efficiency in maritime and transport sectors
• Risk-return characteristics of shipping investments
• Forecasting, volatility and shipping markets
• Risk management in shipping and transportation
• Accounting and maritime financial management

For the period 2014-16 an award of €1,000 will be presented to the best published paper on ‘Shipping Finance’ in the Journal.

Submission process

Please send a regular and a blind PDF copy to c/o Professor Panayiotis Theodossiou, Editor-in-Chief, Multinational Finance Journal.

The submission fee for MFS members is €80 and for non-members is €150. The latter fee includes membership in the Society and e-access to the MFJ.

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