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Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Special issue of the Multinational Finance Journal on
"Multinational Manifestations of Behavioral Phenomena"

Guest editor: Professor Hersh Shefrin, Santa Clara University, USA
Submission deadline: January 22, 2012
Online submission at:

The early literature in behavioral finance focused on the general themes of asset pricing anomalies in the equity market and the behavior of individual investors. Recently, the field has broadened to address the impact of psychology on most major issues in the theory and practice of finance.

The special issue will focus on a variety of behavioral topics that provide insights into the manner in which the psychological concepts, at the heart of behavioral finance, manifest themselves in different countries and across the financial spectrum. We are interested in papers that explore the broadening of behavioral finance, in terms of new applications, different countries and provide deeper insights into issues that have been prominent in the existing behavioral literature.

The Multinational Finance Journal is a quarterly publication of the Multinational Finance Society, a non-profit society established in 1995 for the advancement and dissemination of financial knowledge and research findings pertaining to industrialized and developing countries among members of the academic and business communities.

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