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Special Issue - Recent Developments in Corporate Governance


Special Issue of the Multinational Finance Journal


"Recent Developments in Corporate Governance"


David Yermack
Albert Fingerhut Professor of Finance and Business Transformation
Leonard N. Stern School of Business


The Multinational Finance Journal (MFJ) announces a Special Issue that aims to publish influential articles that discuss top priority issues pertaining to corporate governance. Specifically, this Special Issue welcomes theoretical, applied, empirical, and policy-oriented research papers related to
Recent Developments in Corporate Governance. High quality, well written practitioner papers that follow rigorous research techniques will also be considered.

Topics that are of interest for this Special Issue should include, but are not limited to the role of antitakeover measures, board structure, capital market governance, compensation and incentives, debt and agency costs, director and officer labour markets, fraud, lawsuits, ownership structure, and regulation. In addition, the Special Issue aims to publish articles on recent developments regarding the relation of "shareholder activism", "fund activism" and/or "shareholder voting" to corporate governance quality, corporate policies, proxy proposals, market reaction and impact on stock returns.

All submissions will follow the MFJ double-blind refereeing policy. Manuscripts should be submitted via the online system before 31 January 2016. The Special Issue is expected to be published early in 2017.

An award of 1,000 USD will be presented to the best accepted article published to the Special Issue. The decision will be reached following a voting process from the Journal’s Editorial Board.

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