Best Paper Awards were Chosen! Congratulations to Authors!
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29th Annual MFS Conference - A preliminary version of the conference program is now available online
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29th Annual MFS Conference - A preliminary version of the conference program is now available online
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Spring 2016 MFS Conference - Meet the Editors

Spring 2016 MFS Conference


"Meet the Editors"


Raghavendra Rau
Editor of Financial Management

Geoffrey Wood
Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Management
Editor of the ABS Journal Ranking list

Panayiotis Theodossiou
Editor-in-Chief of the Multinational Finance Journal


The Editors would share their views on the merits and perils of journal rankings in the evaluation of an academic journal’s impact and quality, especially those that are based upon peer review, editorial and expert judgements compared to those based purely on some individual metrics coming from statistical information. They would also share their advice with early career researchers on how to best capture the interest of editors and reviewers, to confront challenges on how to structure a paper, ways to communicate effectively its idea, how to deal and respond with awkward referee feedback, whether authors should always bother revising and resubmitting, if it necessary to write a cover letter and many other valuable tips.

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