title={Asymmetric Information and Irreversible Investments: an Auction Model},
author={Jøril Mæland},
journal={Multinational Finance Journal},
publisher={Multinational Finance Society; Global Business Publications},
keywords={real options; investment strategy; private information; auction},
abstract={The owner of a real option does not have the necessary expertise to manage
the investment project and needs to contract with an expert in order to exercise
the real option. The potential managers (the experts) have private information
about their respective cost of investing in the project. The project owner
organizes an auction in which the experts participate. The winner of the contract
is the expert who can exercise the investment project at the lowest cost. The
optimal contract is incentive compatible, i.e., it induces the winner to follow the
investment strategy preferred by the project owner. It is shown that private
information increases the project owner's cost of exercising the option, which
may lead to under-investment. The inefficiency due to under-investment
decreases in the number of experts participating in the auction..},