title={The Interplay between Institutional Investors, Debt and Firm Value:
Evidence from France, Germany and the UK},
author={André Küster Simic and Gabriel Frahm and Christian Glöer},
journal={Multinational Finance Journal},
publisher={Multinational Finance Society; Global Business Publications},
keywords={Crisis; debt; firm value; institutional ownership},
abstract={This study investigates the interaction effect between institutional ownership and debt
ratio on firm value. Analyzing a large sample consisting of 9,998 observations from 1,351 distinct
non-financial firms listed in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom (UK) over the 2002-2018
period, it is documented that the interaction variable exerts a positive effect on firm value. This
finding is robust to various firm characteristics, industry and year fixed effects, and it also extends
to alternative measures of ownership and firm value. Identification analyses suggest that the effect
is causal. This study further finds a stronger impact during times of financial turmoil and that
there exists a heterogeneity across different types of institutional ownership. Distinguishing between
bank-based and market-based financial systems does not affect the inferences..},