title={Enhanced Collective Action Clauses and
Sovereign Borrowing Costs},
author={Kay Chung and Michael G. Papaioannou},
journal={Multinational Finance Journal},
publisher={Multinational Finance Society; Global Business Publications},
keywords={collective action clause; sovereign bond contractual clause; governing law; sovereign debt restructuring; default; bond spreads; sovereign cost of borrowing.},
abstract={This paper analyzes the effects of the inclusion of enhanced collective action
clauses (CACs) in international (nondomestic law-governed) sovereign bonds
on borrowing costs, using secondary-market bond yield spreads, during
September 2014 to March 2021. Our findings indicate that in the period
September 2014 to February 2020, where no restructuring episodes have
occurred, enhanced CACs are negatively associated with sovereign bond yield
spreads and cosequently lower borrowing costs. However, during the
COVID-19 period of March 2020 to March 2021, when the Argentina and
Ecuador sovereign debt restructurings occurred, investors bond pricing behavior
was differentiated depending on the inclusion or not of enhanced CACs, with
their inclusion being positively associated with yield spreads, maybe due to the
lack of flexibility of investors binded by the enhanced CACs provisions. The
results obtained for September 2014 to February 2020 continue to hold when
the sample is extended to March 2021..},